Why Create Black Female Landscape & Nature Photographers Group?
(L-R) Co-founder Keisha Holmes, Founder, Angela Ledyard
In June 2020, I became tired of wondering if there were any women that looked like me and who were into nature and landscape photography. I had spent months prior researching every photography magazine, searching the internet, and looking through social media hashtags. I had joined other photography groups and the number of black females in the nature, landscape, and just general outdoor photography genre were extremely few. Especially, compared to those in people photography.
I made the decision to just create a group. I felt surely there are others and social media would help me get their attention. I started with Facebook and then Instagram. Then, it happened, about 5 women took notice and slowly more started to join. I was so excited! One of our first group meetings, I talked about the vision that I had for the group. Keisha Holmes was a part of that meeting. She reached out to me and we talked more about the group and it’s mission. She said that she wanted to help. Together, we met virtually and talked almost everyday setting goals, projects, and other offerings to have for the group.
It means a great deal to us to not only build a community of black or brown women in this genre of photography, but to also create a resource for the next generation of black and brown women that didn’t think we existed at all.
The Goal of Black Female Landscape & Nature Photographers
Our goal is to increase awareness of Black Females in Landscape and Nature Photography (BFLNP). We are committed to creating an inclusive platform for women of color to share, to inspire, to learn, and to support one another in this genre of Photography.
As we embark on this journey, we strive to bridge the gap between women of color in Landscape and Nature Photography and industry leaders by providing education, resources, and mentorship.
It is our belief that the beautiful Landscape and Nature photos we capture, will inspire other women of color to join in our mission and share their love of photography with us!